Matt and Travis from the podcast Welcome to the End of the World join Precious D to talk about the end of the world.
After ten years the band got back together for another trip across Zombieland.
Robert Stewart from Stew World Order and Precious D chat about the very first zombie movie, White Zombie!
Author and friend of the show, Aaron Ray Ballard joins us for an 80's classic, Night of the Comet.
Angel Crause, co-host of Voices from the Mausoleum , is back to discuss the South Korean zombie film Train to Busan.
Angel Krause of Voices from the Mausuleum joins Precious D to discuss the red-headed stepchild of the Resident Evil franchise, Welcome to Raccoon City.
Honey B and Gus Gus are Back for the second in the 28 series.
Honey B's brother Gus Gus returns to the show to chat about 28 Days Later.
Friend of the show, David Carson returns to talk about World War Z, "inspired" by the novel by Max Brooks.
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is a manga, anime, and live-action movie. Here to discuss it with Precious D is, friend of the show, Racheal Mckinney. Precious had some technical issues with his sound, but we hope you enjoy ...
Our pal Buddy Fazio joins Precious D for a truly wretched piece of garbage. We apologize.
Precious D and Honey B discuss one of their favorite zombie movies, the Zom-Rom-Com Shaun of the Dead.
Dead Alive a.k.a. Braindead is one of Peter Jackson's earliest movies and Precious D's favorite zombie film. "A symphony of blood."
"Bloody Bill" Pon returns to discuss the seminal zombie classic, Night of the Living Dead. We also discuss his crowd-funding campaign for Circus of the Dead 2! Help fund Circus of the Dead 2 on Indigogo HERE.